Frequently Asked
Questions & Answers
There are currently 3 prescribed antiviral medications commonly used to treat HSV1, HSV2 and Shingles Virus symptoms and outbreaks, but all have the capability of causing some pretty serious side effects. There all also very highly effective all-natural HSV1, HSV2 and Shingles Virus symptom and outbreak prevention products such as the all-natural products sold by the Herpecillin Company.
This question is similar to the question above. As answered in the previous question there are currently 3 prescribed antiviral medications used as a treatment for HSV1, HSV2 and the Shingles Virus, but as mentioned in the previous answer, before you begin to take any of these 3 prescribed antiviral medications. Please take the time to read about the possible serious side effects all 3 prescribed antiviral medications can cause to the unlucky people who experience these side effects or you can choose a highly effective all-natural HSV1, HSV2 and Shingles Virus outbreak prevention products, such as the products sold by the Herpecillin Company and not have to worry about all those possible serious side effects.
Currently there is no approved vaccination for the HSV1, HSV2, although various pharmaceutical companies are certainly trying to create one and have it approved by the FDA. Until a vaccine is created and approved by the FDA, there are 3 prescribed antiviral medications which have the possibility of causing some pretty serious side effects and you also have highly effective all-natural HSV1 & HSV2 symptom and outbreak prevention products, which don’t carry the risk of possible serious side effects.
Fortunately, herpes is not deadly and rarely causes any serious health issues. While herpes symptoms and outbreaks can be both painful and annoying. Being infected with the herpes virus will not kill you.
At the present time there is no cure for the genital herpes virus. There are 3 prescribed antiviral medications that all have the capability of causing some pretty serious side effects and there are also some highly effective all-natural genital herpes virus symptom and outbreak prevention products, such as the products sold by the Herpecillin Company designed to speed up the recovery process of your HSV2 outbreak by strengthening and boosting your own immune system, while also giving you the very best chance to prevent your future HSV2 outbreak altogether without the fear of experiencing any possible serious side effects.
Herpes is a common sexually transmitted infection caused by contracting HSV1 or HSV2 from skin to skin contract with another person who is already infected with either of these 2 viruses. Some of the primary symptoms are pain and burning followed by a rash or a cluster of blisters, usually around the mouth or genital area although the herpes rash on body can happen just about anywhere on the human body.
HSV2 Genital Herpes Virus is a common sexually transmitted infection caused by a person who is infected with HSV1 Cold Sores who performs oral sex on another person and spreads their virus to the other person’s genital area or HSV2 Genital Herpes can be spread primarily through having intercourse with a person who is already infected with HSV2 Genital Herpes Virus. After a person experiences their first genital outbreak the virus can lay dormant for weeks, months or even years before another genital herpes outbreak occurs, although many people experience HSV2 outbreaks on a monthly basis.
Unfortunately, there is no natural herpes cure. However, there are some very highly effective all-natural genital herpes virus symptom and outbreak preventions products on the market, such as the products sold by the Herpecillin Company, which are designed to naturally speed up the healing process, while also giving you the very best chance to prevent your future HSV2 Genital Herpes Virus future outbreak altogether.
It means that you have tested positive for being infected with HSV1 or HSV2 although you may not experience any of the HSV1 and HSV2 symptoms. Believe it or not approximately 85% of the people infected with HSV2 Genital Herpes Virus don’t even know they are infected because their own immune is strong enough to fight off the physical symptoms, which the other 15% of infected people experience.
While there are many different brands of genital herpes virus supplements on the market today, the Herpecillin Company believes that our line of genital herpes virus symptom and outbreak prevention products are simply the best on the market today because our products are not one size fits all like most other brands are, simply because there are so many different strains of HSV1, HSV2 and the Shingles Virus. This is why the Herpecillin Company has six different products in our product lineup to meet just about everyone’s needs and to fit just about everyone’s price point. Plus, our company only uses the most highly effective proprietary blend of all-natural ingredients such as 100% Free Form Lysine, Zinc, Vitamin C, Astragalus and Momordica Charantia, which has been proven to be 3 times more effective than the most prescribed antiviral medication when it comes to preventing herpes outbreaks.
Are you tired of not knowing when your next painful and embarrassing genital herpes virus outbreak is going to occur?
Are you tired of not knowing how severe or how long your next genital herpes outbreak is going to last?
Since contracting the genital herpes virus, has it affected your self-esteem in a negative way and how do you feel about yourself as a person?
Has the genital herpes virus affected your relationship and your sex life in a negative way?
Are you tired of throwing away your hard-earned money on so called genital herpes virus products that simply don’t work?
Would you like to get the life back you once had before experiencing your first painful and embarrassing genital herpes virus outbreak?
And last but not least.
Would you like to rid yourself of the genital herpes virus and those painful and embarrassing genital herpes virus outbreaks once and for all?

Now the reason I asked you those questions is because those questions are similar to the same questions I asked myself when I was diagnosed and tested positive for having the genital herpes virus more than 20 years ago.
The reason I’m telling you this is because I can actually feel your pain and I understand what you’re going through and I know exactly how scary it can be because I’ve already gone through what you’re going through yourself right now.
I want you to know that I am here to help you and to educate you in any way that I can.

I just do not want you to make all the same mistakes I made after I was diagnosed with contracting the genital herpes virus and what I mean by mistakes is, I think I bought just about every product on the market that claimed to be able to stop my genital herpes outbreaks.
Only to find out that none of these so-called genital herpes products worked at all for me and I have a pretty good feeling that they did not work for anybody else either.
So, after throwing away thousands of dollars and being scammed time after time due to myself purchasing all these so-called genital herpes products that just did not work.
I decided to take matters into my own hands back in 2007 and after years of trial and error I finally invented a real all-natural genital herpes product that does work and such an amazing product, of course needed an amazing name and what could be a better name for a real all-natural genital herpes product that can actually help stop a person from having another genital herpes outbreak than Herpecillin?
Plus! Not only does Herpecillin and Herpecillin Plus help stop your future genital herpes virus outbreak, they do so without any known side effects whatsoever.
Now before I go any further I have to be totally honest with you and tell you something upfront.

I believe it’s always best to get any bad news out of the way first.
The bad news is that at present there is no known cure for the genital herpes virus, meaning there is no medication or product available on the market that can cure you of this painful and embarrassing virus.
The good news is, if you take Herpecillin and Herpecillin Plus as directed. You can finally rid yourself of ever having another painful and embarrassing genital herpes outbreak ever again!
Now thanks to Herpecillin and Herpecillin Plus I have not had another genital herpes outbreak in more than five years and the only reason I had a slight outbreak five years ago was because 5 years ago Herpecillin Plus simply did not exist.
Now what these two amazing products have done for me is they have given me the life back that I use to have before I suffered my first painful and embarrassing genital herpes outbreak.
And I truly believe that if you take Herpecillin and Herpecillin Plus as directed that you can also get the life back that you once had before you suffered your first painful and embarrassing genital herpes outbreak.
Now how amazing would that be for you?
Herpecillin! The best help with Embarassing outbreaks
Want to take back control? Get Herpecillin!