Over the counter, topical treatments are not a permanent cure for genital herpes. While they provide temporary relief, they can also exacerbate the condition by increasing the risk of developing viral resistance. Therefore, experts recommend not using over-the-counter treatments for genital herpes. However, DIY topical compresses can be a good way to treat outbreaks. You can also purchase DIY topical creams.
Genital herpes outbreaks are painful and uncomfortable. To minimize the pain and discomfort, you should use natural products and self-care methods. To minimize discomfort, take a sitz bath. These are inexpensive, fit inside the toilet bowl, and don’t contain soap or bath additives. To reduce pain, wear loose-fitting underwear and avoid touching the infected area. Taking ibuprofen can help relieve sores.
Using a topical cream with acyclovir can also be helpful. It can reduce the duration of an outbreak by 2 to 4 days. The cream should be applied only on affected areas, not on healthy skin or the surface of a sore. Acyclovir cream is an effective treatment for Hsv2 genital herpes. For more information about over-the-counter topical treatments, contact a doctor.
When using genital herpes over-the-counter topical treatment, you should follow the instructions for application. The cream should be applied to the sores as soon as you remember, but it is not recommended to use it twice daily. It’s important to remember to take medicine even if you miss a dose. If you’ve missed a dose, don’t worry; you can always use it again.
Although a doctor can prescribe an over-the-counter topical treatment, it’s not recommended for everyone. Even if you’ve tried a couple of over-the-counter products, your doctor will likely recommend prescription medication or something similar. Ultimately, the doctor’s role is to advise on herpes and how to manage your sex life safely. The best way to manage your condition is to avoid any embarrassing situations.
Antiviral drugs can help people with herpes stay symptom-free longer. While over-the-counter topical treatments won’t cure the herpes virus, they can significantly reduce the severity of outbreaks. In addition, antivirals can prevent future outbreaks from occurring and may even reduce the duration of outbreaks. Most commonly prescribed over-the-counter treatments for genital herpes cure are antiviral drugs, which come in pill or liquid form. Insurance plans may even cover some medications.
The pattern of outbreaks varies from one person to another. Some people may have only a single outbreak, while others suffer recurring outbreaks every two to four weeks. The symptoms of herpes may vary from person to person. People with genital herpes may go years without showing any signs. They may also go years without symptoms, and some may even go for years without symptoms.
In addition to over-the-counter topical treatments, over-the-counter medications may also help prevent outbreaks. These medications are effective in reducing outbreaks by 75%. Although they do not completely prevent outbreaks, they help people with herpes avoid risky situations such as sexual intercourse with non-infected partners. In addition, over-the-counter medication can interfere with the healing process.
OTC topical for genital herpes treatment is available over-the-counter. Most contain ingredients that numb the area and give it some temporary relief. While some over-the-counter treatments effectively reduce the discomfort caused by the herpes outbreak, others may irritate the area and prolong the healing process. The only OTC cream approved by the FDA has a clinically proven ingredient to help speed up the healing process.
Besides over-the-counter topical treatments, a doctor may prescribe medications to prevent outbreaks. Although there are no medical cures for the herpes virus, medication for the symptoms and prevention can be extremely beneficial. The use of antiviral medications is the best way to prevent herpes outbreaks from occurring in the first place. You should check the Herpecillin online’s website to shop for Best Herpes Supplement. In addition, using these medications regularly can help you reduce the frequency of outbreaks, reduce the frequency, and minimize your chances of transmission.
Other remedies for genital herpes include dietary supplements and herbal products. Garlic and lemon balm oil can reduce pain and inflammation caused by herpes. These supplements also boost the immune system and relieve the discomfort of outbreaks. Apart from over-the-counter medications, you can also apply cold compresses or licorice root extract to the affected areas to reduce the outbreaks. Garlic and manuka honey can help the sores heal faster.