If you’re infected with genital herpes, you can purchase topical medication to treat outbreaks. Acyclovir is the oldest antiviral drug available and has been around since 1982. It has been proven effective for at least 10 years of continuous use. Another newer drug available in the market is valacyclovir. This drug delivers the antiviral ingredient acyclovir to the body more efficiently, which means you can take the treatment fewer times a day.
Generic acyclovir cream is an over-the-counter treatment available in Europe but not in the United States. It contains docosanol (10%) as its active ingredient. Although acyclovir is the most common over-the-counter treatment, it can cause a herpes outbreak to last longer. To get the right dosage, always consult a healthcare provider.
A sitz bath can help to relieve the discomfort associated with genital herpes sores. You can buy sitz baths at pharmacies and online for a reasonable price. They do not contain bath additives or soap. If you’re in pain, try wearing loose-fitting cotton underwear and ibuprofen. You may also want to consider using an ice pack.
Another over-the-counter product for Hsv2 genital herpes is FemiClear. This product provides fast relief from outbreak sores and is free of artificial chemicals. Its FDA-registered formula is safe and effective, and many women who use it reported that they experienced fewer outbreak symptoms after using it. It can be used with prescription anti-viral medications or as a stand-alone treatment.
Another form of genital herpes topical treatment is Abreva. This product is a powerful antiviral drug and can effectively suppress an outbreak. It is highly recommended for people who have their first disease outbreak. It has been shown to reduce the duration and severity of outbreaks by up to 70% in patients. It is important to note that this drug is not a cure for genital herpes.
Although topical acyclovir medications are available over the counter, they are not as effective as prescription medication. NSAIDs, which are effective in reducing pain and discomfort, do not cure herpes. Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor when using an over-the-counter product. If you can’t afford prescription medication, you can buy an over-the-counter product for genital herpes.
If you’ve been sexually active for a while and are looking for topical genital herpes cure, you’ve come to the right place. Genital herpes is a common sexually transmitted infection that causes blisters and itching in the genital region. Some people can even experience flu-like symptoms. Topical treatment can relieve these symptoms.
Taking a supplement of lysine may also help you manage herpes outbreaks. Studies have shown that taking higher doses of lysine can reduce herpes recurrences. Probiotics are known for their immune-boosting properties. Certain strains can limit outbreaks of herpes. A full spectrum of B vitamins plays multiple critical roles in the body, including supporting healthy cell growth, metabolism, and energy.
Antiviral medicine is a useful way for herpes treatment. It suppresses the virus, reducing the duration and frequency of herpes outbreaks. While suppressive treatment can’t guarantee a cure, it helps patients cope with the disease and reduce their risk of transmitting herpes to others. When used properly, suppressive therapy can reduce the number of outbreaks by up to 75%.
Another type of topical medication is available over the counter. It can be bought over the counter and is effective against the symptoms of herpes. Herpes outbreaks can last up to several days; in most cases, they are temporary. Aside from using an over-the-counter cream, you can also try home remedies to relieve the symptoms. Some of the best treatments address the root cause of herpes. Get in touch with Herpecillin to purchase the Best Herpes Supplement.
When you’re not sure about the best treatment for your condition, consider consulting a doctor. While some physicians don’t like discussing sexual health issues, others will be more than happy to give you advice. If you’re infected with genital herpes, your doctor can recommend treatment options or support groups. However, please don’t be embarrassed to seek treatment; it’s common and safe.
Using an antiviral medicine daily can prevent outbreaks and reduce the risk of spreading herpes to others. Another option for treatment is a vaccine against genital herpes. A recent clinical trial showed that a vaccine against herpes HSV-2 and HSV-1 was effective among women. It also prevented women from contracting the infection if they used the vaccine. It’s still in clinical trials, but it’s worth checking with your doctor before trying any treatment.