Starting any medication course requires a few recommendations and circumstances about which an individual must know. Especially concerning CVS herpes medication, one must consider the current symptoms and intensity of the herpes virus declared by the CVS herpes test.

You must be wondering, “Do we need to get tested for herpes medication?” Probably yes. The test results reveal what kind of treatment you need and what certain medications can help you prevent from next outbreak.

This article aims to explore some critical aspects as a pre-guide about CVS herpes medication, and what makes it different from other medications.

CVS Herpes Medication – How it helps Controlling Herpes Virus?

Fever blisters, another name for cold sores, are painful lesions caused by the herpes simplex virus that resemble blisters or pimples (HSV). HSV infections can affect any body part but are most common in the mouth and genitalia.

The first herpes outbreak often begins two weeks after contracting the virus and consists of blister-like lesions that crust over. It creates a scab, and then recover. Additionally, you can exhibit flu-like symptoms like a fever and swollen glands.

An outbreak can worsen and result in blisters that could burst open if you do not seek treatment soon. With anti-viral drugs, you can attempt to treat the herpes infection. These medications can reduce the length of an outbreak and alleviate symptoms, including itchiness, pain, or a rash.

Herpes simplex 1 and herpes simplex 2 are the two varieties. Through oral contact with a person who has an active illness, the virus is primarily disseminated in the oral region.

How can the CVS Herpes Test be Helpful?

Both herpes kinds are detectable by a herpes test. To check for herpes antibodies, your doctor or nurse will obtain a fluid sample from a sore using a swab. The results of this test are quick and simple, and you can take it as often as you like. It is available at your doctor’s office, community health centers, and even online for home testing.

If you get tested for herpes, your doctor or nurse will suggest a blood test. It is simpler and quicker than a swab, to check for antibodies to herpes-1 or herpes-2.

The CDC does not recommend routine herpes testing unless you have symptoms or think you might have the virus. But it’s a good idea to get tested for herpes and other STDs. This is because some sexually transmitted diseases, such as gonorrhea and chlamydia, can cause serious complications in women if they don’t get treated early on.

What Do You Need to Know Before Starting CVS Herpes Medication? Crucial Facts

Anti-viral herpes drugs like acyclovir and topical therapies may expedite the healing of herpes symptoms and can be used to control herpes outbreaks.

The most successful option is undoubtedly acyclovir, which has been used to treat herpes since the early 1980s and has earned a well-deserved reputation as one of the best in the world. It is sold over the counter, and your doctor may prescribe it as a pill or skin ointment.

Additionally, many vitamin supplements like vitamins B and E are promoted as herpes treatment choices. Some of these medications have been proven effective against herpes, particularly by boosting the immune system. The fact that vitamin E is widely available at pharmacies and grocery stores is its best quality. It’s also available as capsules.

IS CVS Herpes Medication the Same for both HSV 1 and 2?

It depends on the treatment and basics of both types. Below are the basics of both virus types, along with their suggested treatments.

The Basics of HSV-1

HSV-1 occurs due to oral herpes, and it often causes cold sores. A prevalent virus typically infects children through contact with infected parents or other family members.

No need to be shocked if you discover that you have HSV-1 because most people carry the virus. Many people are asymptomatic, meaning they have the virus but don’t exhibit any overt symptoms, suggesting they could infect others.

Usually, HSV-1 produces cold sores—herpes simplex virus type 1—in the oral area. The virus is latent between outbreaks in the sensory ganglion neurons, a collection of nerve cells close to the ear.

The Basics of HSV-2

HSV-2 affects the genitals, leading to sores on and around the anus and genitalia. Although it can also pass from mother to child during childbirth, this virus is mainly carried through sexual intercourse.

HSV-2 rarely spreads to the mouth and lips, unlike HSV-1. This particular strain of the herpes virus almost always results in vaginal sores. Like HSV-1, many HSV-2-infected patients exhibit no symptoms and are unaware of their infection.

Treating HSV-1 & 2

Both HSV-1 and HSV-2 outbreaks can be treated quickly and affordably. The anti-viral drug is the best choice in CVS herpes medication for both types of the herpes virus (Zovirax).

Anti-viral medications stop the herpes virus from growing, which helps to manage outbreaks and lower the risk of spreading the disease. According to studies, medications like valacyclovir are quite successful at accelerating herpes outbreak healing and lowering transmission risks.

Anti-viral drugs like valacyclovir (Valtrex®) and acyclovir are the most often prescribed treatments for both types of herpes virus (Zovirax). Anti-viral medications stop the herpes virus from growing, which helps to manage outbreaks and lower the risk of spreading the disease.

Drugs can be ingested or applied topically to the skin. Commonly recommended topical anti-viral creams and ointments can help lessen the intensity of oral herpes symptoms. To treat the symptoms of genital herpes, these drugs can be taken at the first indications of an outbreak or as needed.

Acyclovir, which has been sold as a pill since 1985 and has been accessible since 1982 in a topical version, is the oldest anti-viral drug. Valacyclovir, another anti-viral medication, has been demonstrated to be more efficiently absorbed and stay in the body for longer. It shares the same active ingredient as acyclovir. It can help lessen the danger of herpes spreading more than acyclovir and can be taken less frequently throughout the day.

Whether you have been searching for anti-viral herpes medication or CVS herpes medication, at Herpecillin, we make all-natural products to protect you from all kinds of side effects. Don’t trust? Try yourself.