Have You Tried These Best Herpes Supplement Before?

Many people ask, “How to heal herpes sores faster? Simple, vitamins and supplements support your body’s natural healing processes in different ways.


Numerous vital functions of vitamins include boosting immune function and mending cellular damage. Vitamins also enhance your body’s capacity to combat the herpes virus and prevent it from spreading. While vitamins can’t wholly replace antiviral medications like valacyclovir, they can make your body’s defenses stronger.


Meanwhile, a few best herpes supplements help the body’s natural ability to mend by providing it with nutrients that it might not otherwise receive from meals alone. Before making any changes to your regimen, it’s crucial to examine your supplement options with a doctor because the U.S. Food & Drug Administration does not govern supplements.


Keep reading to learn about particular vitamins and supplements to avoid herpes.

Research supports using certain supplements to avoid herpes simplex virus symptoms and outbreaks.




Despite the fact that research on lysine is still in its early stages, new results indicate that daily lysine supplementation may lessen the frequency of herpes outbreaks. Low doses of lysine have no impact, whereas high doses of up to 3,000 mg per day might be advantageous.


Lysine treatments of 321–1,200 mg per day seemed to lessen outbreak recurrences in a trial of 45 people with frequently reoccurring herpes outbreaks. Lesions returned for most individuals within 1-4 weeks after stopping lysine.




Garlic is a well-liked natural supplement for fighting viruses like herpes simplex since it has strong antiviral effects. You can consume garlic in capsules or topically treat an outbreak with garlic ointment. Apply to sores up to three times a day after diluting with olive oil.




The ability of probiotics to strengthen the immune system is widely documented. According to recent studies, some probiotic strains can help reduce herpes infections.


Probiotics strengthen the immune system by regulating the microorganisms in the stomach. The better your digestive system functions, the more effectively it can ward off viral activity that causes herpes outbreaks.


Omega-3 Fatty Acids


In the fight against inflammation, these fatty acids are crucial. Consume plenty of mackerel, salmon, chia seeds, flaxseed, and other fatty fish to boost your body’s ability to fight off inflammation and, as a result, reduce the severity of your next genital herpes outbreak.

Best Vitamins for Herpes – Does it Equally work like Supplements to Avoid herpes?

Vitamins that help treat and prevent genital herpes outbreaks are vitamins A, B, C, D, and zinc. Let’s quickly examine each of them:


Vitamin E


According to research, higher vitamin E dosages may lessen immune cells’ stress. The immune system can better defend against free radicals, viruses, infections, and other foreign invaders with less oxidative stress. This strengthens your body’s defenses against viral illnesses like herpes.


Vitamin B Complex


All B vitamins play essential functions in your body’s metabolism, energy production, and healthy cell growth. To respond to an active herpes epidemic, you need all these processes running at total capacity.


Vitamin C


Vitamin C has recently been shown to have the ability to speed up the healing of herpes outbreaks. Herpes simplex is among the many viruses rendered inactive in vitro by vitamin C’s ascorbic acid.


In a small, double-blind study, patients who received 200 mg of ascorbic acid and 200 mg of water-soluble citrus flavonoids three times per day for three days had a 57% quicker duration until symptom remission than those who received a placebo.


Vitamin D


An essential mineral for immune system health is vitamin D. The lack of this crucial vitamin can make you more prone to genital herpes outbreaks. You may quickly boost your immune system and give your body a greater chance of battling the herpes virus by increasing your vitamin D consumption.


Salmon, red meat, and egg yolks are all excellent sources of vitamin D.




Research on zinc ions claims that they inhibit the herpes simplex virus and may even lengthen the intervals between outbreaks. Supplemental zinc is thought to lessen the severity of herpes infections and prevent them altogether because zinc ions prevent the replication of HSV-1 and 2 in vitro.

How TO Heal Herpes Sores Faster Using Vitamins & Supplements?

It’s unnecessary to consume vitamins and supplements exclusively in tablet or liquid form. Additionally, they might be helpful in topical form. Consult your physician to determine which of these three top topical vitamins and supplements used for the herpes simplex virus might be effective for you:


  • Four daily applications of zinc for four days
  • Three daily applications of vitamin E oil for three days
  • Four daily applications of lemon balm extract for five days.


Studies and personal experience have concluded that each of these topical remedies helps people with genital herpes sores feel less pain, experience fewer outbreaks, and recover more quickly.


Imagine the consequence of combining the use of vitamins, light therapy, and the best herpes supplements. Here is how researchers have an answer.

The Power Of Combining Vitamins, Supplements, And Light Therapy

You can already understand how vitamins and supplements can help preventing herpes outbreaks and lessen their adverse effects on your quality of life.


Imagine the potential once light therapy and the effects of vitamins and supplements are combined. The skin, to hasten to heal and fortify the body’s defenses against future assaults, metabolizes low-level light.


In light therapy, the Luminance RED uses high-powered LED light technology, precisely a 660 nanometer light wavelength, to accelerate healing and lessen the frequency of outbreaks. According to clinical studies, individuals who received low-level light therapy healed 49% faster than those who received no light therapy.


Luminance RED can produce the finest effects once the best genital herpes vitamins and supplements have already boosted your immune system and set the stage for a quick recovery.


Contact Herpecillin today for the best herpes supplements